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InSeat 11880U Hand Control

InSeat 11880U Hand Control
InSeat 11880U Hand Control
InSeat 11880U Hand Control
InSeat 11880U Hand Control
InSeat 11880U Hand Control
InSeat 11880U Hand Control
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SKU: 11880U
Units in Stock: 5
OEM, 6-Button hand control for Med-Lift and other brands of Infinite Position (dual motor) lift chairs. It has a round 5 pin DIN 90-degree connection to the motor. This hand control operates the back separately from the legs. It also has two buttons for both all up or all down. 11880U OR 11880UX
List Price: $139.00
You Save: $40.00 (29%)
Product Details
6-Button hand control for Med-Lift Infinite Position  lift chairs.
Logo may say "Relaxor or Med-Lift"