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2 Button Hand Control For Lift Chairs

2 Button Hand Control For Lift Chairs
2 Button Hand Control For Lift Chairs
2 Button Hand Control For Lift Chairs
2 Button Hand Control For Lift Chairs
2 Button Hand Control For Lift Chairs
2 Button Hand Control For Lift Chairs
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SKU: P112L
Units in Stock: 12
The P112L two-button (Up and Down) Replacement Lift Chair Hand Control has a Round 5 Pin DIN Connector on the end of the cord. You install it directly to your motor or junction box under your chair. You can request a free lift chair tune up guide when youj place your order by entering "Please Send Tune Up Guide" in the comment box before you enter your credit card information.
Chair Brand: Golden Technologies
Chair Brand: Med-Lift & Mobility
Part Type: Hand Control
Manufacturer: Okin
List Price: $79.00
You Save: $32.20 (41%)
Product Details
This is a simple two-button up and down hand control.

Our P112L two-button Lift Chair Hand Control For Okin, Dewert, Limoss, and FBS Motors. It Has a Round 5 Pin Connector. This control replaces Dewert and Pride Hand Controls also. This is the style you will find on many Golden Technologies Lift Chairs, Pride Lift Chairs, Okin,  Dewert, La Z Boy, Best, Berkline, Franklin, Action, Med-Lift, and many other Chinese brands from Internet sites. 

If you have recently been having to fiddle with the hand control to get the chair to move and now it will go up, but not down, or, down but not up, or, has finally completely quit working then you most likely have a bad hand control. Logically if the chair moves at all you know you have power from your power supply and your motor is able to move. Thus, your motor and power supply are most likely good. You can easily check your power supply with a volt meter. It should be putting out 25 to 33 Volts DC.  (The hand controls are a bit difficult to test accurately. Often trying your bad one on another good working chair is the simplest way to test them) 
About 85% of all lift chair electronic problems described above are simply solved by installing a new hand control. The hand control plugs in easily, just like plugging a keyboard into a computer.